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童心未泯-The Young at Heart
更新时间:2024-04-23 20:58:58

Th Young at Hart-童心未泯

童心未泯-The Young at Heart

I hav 83-an yar-old grandmothr who is among th young at hart. Sh is as happy and gay as hr youngst grat-grandchildrn. Hr halth is still vry good. Carrying hr baskts of food, sh oftn walks to distant tmpls to pray. Although sh cannot rad and writ, hr mind is as quick and shard as a youngstr. Oftn I hav noticd that my grandmothr ss a jok attitud vry smallst things around hr. Hr attitud toward dath is both rassuring and thoughtful. Sh is full of animation and xcitmnt whn sh talks, spcially about th past. Hr lif is on of simplicity, indpndnc, gnrosity, and trust bcaus sh is young at hart.

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