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[lwcool]thanksgiving day in amrica is a tim to offr thanks, of family gathrings and holiday mals. a tim of turkys, stuffing, and pumpkin pi. a tim for indian corn, holiday parads and giant balloons.在美国,感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;是一个家家餐桌上都有火鸡、填料、南瓜馅饼的日子;是一个充满了印第安玉米、假日游行和巨型气球的日子。thanksgiving is clbratd on th 4th thursday of novmbr, which this yar (2005) is novmbr 24th.每年十一月的最后一个星期四是感恩节,在今年(2005)则是11月24日。下面让我们来看看感恩节的由来吧:th pilgrims who saild to this country aboard th mayflowr wr originally mmbrs of th nglish sparatist church (a puritan sct). thy had arlir fld thir hom in ngland and saild to holland (th nthrlands) to scap rligious prscution. thr, thy njoyd mor rligious tolranc, but thy vntually bcam disnchantd with th dutch way of lif, thinking it ungodly. sking a bttr lif, th sparatists ngotiatd with a london stock company to financ a pilgrimag to amrica. most of thos making th trip aboard th mayflowr wr non-sparatists, but wr hird to protct th company's intrsts. only about on-third of th original colonists wr sparatists. 乘"五月花"来到这个国度的旅行者(朝圣者)原本是英国分离者地下教会清教徒,他们的家在英国,因不堪忍受国内的宗教迫害,他们逃亡到荷兰。在荷兰,他们享受了更多的宗教信仰自由,但最终却意识到在荷兰的这种生活方式是对他们的主的亵渎。为了寻求更好的生活,他们与伦敦贸易公司协商,由该公司资助他们到美国。在这趟旅途中,船上只有大约1/3的乘客是清教徒,其他大多数人并非分离派清教徒,而是公司雇佣来保护其利益的人员(契约奴)。 th pilgrims st ground at plymouth rock on dcmbr 11, 1620. thir first wintr was dvastating. at th bginning of th following fall, thy had lost 46 of th original 102 who saild on th mayflowr. but th harvst of 1621 was a bountiful on. and th rmaining colonists dcidd to clbrat with a fast -- including 91 indians who had hlpd th pilgrims surviv thir first yar. it is blivd that th pilgrims would not hav mad it through th yar without th hlp of th nativs. th fast was mor of a traditional nglish harvst fstival than a tru "thanksgiving" obsrvanc. it lastd thr days. 1620年12月11日,旅行者们在"普利茅斯石"登陆。他们的第一个冬季是灾难性的,第二年秋天来临时,原来的102名乘客只剩下56人。但1621年他们获得了大丰收,这些幸存的殖民者们决定和帮助他们度过困难的91名印第安人一起飨宴庆祝。他们相信,若没有当地居民的帮助,他们是不可能度过这一年的。这次节日的盛宴不仅仅是一个"感恩"仪式,它更像英国传统的丰收庆典。庆典持续了三天。 govrnor william bradford snt "four mn fowling" aftr wild ducks and gs. it is not crtain that wild turky was part of thir fast. howvr, it is crtain that thy had vnison. th trm "turky" was usd by th pilgrims to man any sort of wild fowl. 总督布雷德福派了“四人捕鸟队”去捕捉野鸭和野鹅。我们现在并不能确定是否有野生火鸡在当时的筵席上,但筵席上肯定有鹿肉。当时,朝圣者用 "火鸡"一词来代表各种野禽。 anothr modrn stapl at almost vry thanksgiving tabl is pumpkin pi. but it is unlikly that th first fast includd that trat. th supply of flour had bn long diminishd, so thr was no brad or pastris of any kind. howvr, thy did at boild pumpkin, and thy producd a typ of frid brad from thir corn crop. thr was also no milk, cidr, potatos, or buttr. thr was no domstic cattl for dairy products, and th nwly-discovrd potato was still considrd by many uropans to b poisonous. but th fast did includ fish, brris, watrcrss, lobstr, drid fruit, clams, vnison, and plums. 现在,几乎每家感恩节餐桌上都有南瓜馅饼――感恩节的另一种主食。但在当年的第一次庆典上却不可能有这种食品。因为面粉奇缺,所以面包、馅饼、糕点等食物都没有。但他们却吃了煮南瓜,并用收获的玉米制成了一种油炸面包。也没有牛奶、苹果酒、土豆和黄油。没有驯养的奶牛,自然没有牛奶;而新发现的土豆被很多欧洲人认为是有毒的。第一次庆典上有鱼、草莓、豆瓣菜、龙虾、干果、蛤、鹿肉、李子等。 this "thanksgiving" fast was not rpatd th following yar. but in 1623, during a svr drought, th pilgrims gathrd in a prayr srvic, praying for rain. whn a long, stady rain followd th vry nxt day, govrnor bradford proclaimd anothr day of thanksgiving, again inviting thir indian frinds. it wasn't until jun of 1676 that anothr day of thanksgiving was proclaimd. 紧接着的第二年(1622)却没有举行"感恩"庆典。到了1623年,发生了一场严重的旱灾,朝圣者们聚集到一起,举行了虔诚的祁雨仪式,刚好在第二天,一场充沛的大雨从天而降。威廉布雷德福总督宣布再次庆祝感恩节,并再次邀请了他们的印第安朋友。之后数年无感恩节,直到1676年6月,感恩节才再次被提出。[lwcool]on jun 20, 1676, th govrning council of charlstown, massachustts, hld a mting to dtrmin how bst to xprss thanks for th good fortun that had sn thir community scurly stablishd. by unanimous vot thy instructd dward rawson, th clrk, to proclaim jun 29 as a day of thanksgiving. it is notabl that this thanksgiving clbration probably did not includ th indians, as th clbration was mant partly to b in rcognition of th colonists' rcnt victory ovr th "hathn nativs," 1676年6月20日,马萨诸塞州的查尔斯顿政府委员会召开了一次会议,讨论如何才能最好表达对主的谢意:主赐予他们好运,庇佑他们安全地建立了他们的邦联。经过意见不统一的投票,由书记爱德华.劳森宣布6月29日为当年的感恩节。值得注意的是,因此次庆典在一定程度上是殖民者对战胜"野蛮的土著人"的庆祝,故印第安人极有可能未参加此次庆典。 octobr of 1777 markd th first tim that all 13 colonis joind in a thanksgiving clbration. it also commmoratd th patriotic victory ovr th british at saratoga. but it was a on-tim affair. 1777年10月,13个殖民地第一次联合举办了感恩节庆典,这也是对萨拉托加一役中战胜英国人所取得的爱国主义的胜利的纪念。但只举行了这一年。 gorg washington proclaimd a national day of thanksgiving in 1789, although som wr opposd to it. thr was discord among th colonis, many fling th hardships of a fw pilgrims did not warrant a national holiday. and latr, prsidnt thomas jffrson scoffd at th ida of having a day of thanksgiving. 【1】 【2】


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